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Too Late

The phone fell from her hand. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears. Her body began to tremble...

Out of Sight...

I can’t sleep. Nights are the hardest for me. All she does is cry and cry. All I hear are her cries and whimpers throughout the night....

The Intruder

Adrian and Andrew were brothers. They did everything together; thick as thieves. It was bedtime so the boys finished their chores and...


The Captain searched feverishly for the one that killed his father. He stole ship after ship to sail all the oceans looking. The Captain...

Uninvited Guest

Eric was a businessman. He worked all day and all night. He never married or had children. He saw them as an interference in his climb to...


Wendy walked down the sidewalk on her way to her appointment. She forgot her headphones at home. She was running late because the radio...

Date Night

Laura changed clothes about ten times before deciding on a little black dress. She included black stockings and black heels that had red...


Rebecca loved Travis; and he loved her. The beginning of their flame ignited the first time she saw his face. He was charming and always...

The Visitor

Ruth laid in her bed, listening to the beeping sounds of monitors and machines. She looked over and would watch her heart rate slow down...


Christine Chambers spent the majority of high school as an outcast. She didn’t have any friends except for her best friend, Andrew...

The Bench

Mark took his daily walk through the park as usual. He came across a nature trail that he never took. He had a little more time to spare...

Memories: Part Ten

It's dark and yet, everything has a pink-orange tint. I can't make out what anything is. Everything is blurry but I can see a door. Above...

Memories: Part Nine

I sat there trying to interpret what Dr. Byers had just said. I was in shock. “What do you mean he died? Besides the reason he was here,...

Memories: Part Eight

The morning sun poured into my room; casting light onto every dark corner there was. I looked over where Derek was sleeping but he wasn’t...

Memories: Part Seven

I tossed and turned trying to sleep. I rolled over and looked at the clock on the wall. The bright red numbers flashed three in the...

Memories: Part Six

I sat there with Derek, squeezing the life out of his hand waiting to hear what the doctor had to say. We were waiting for my mother to...

Memories: Part Five

Three days had gone by since I woke up. Doctors said it was time I get up and start walking around again; to get strength back into my...

Memories: Part Four

My mother wiped the tears from her eyes. She always tried to hide her pain. She’s the strongest woman I know. Nothing ever got her down....

Memories: Part Three

A high-pitched sound rang through my ears. Echoes of the doctors words rippled through my body. “You won’t survive this. Your heart is...

Memories: Part Two

Quiet whispers coming from outside the room woke me. I opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital room. I could hear the faint...

Blog: Blog2
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