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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall

Too Late

The phone fell from her hand. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears. Her body began to tremble uncontrollably. Her eyes seemed to dart back and forth. She struggled to focus but her vision was hazy. Her stomach tied into a knot and she felt nauseous. She began to hyperventilate and her legs gave out from under her. She collapsed; landing on her side. Lying on the bathroom floor, she wrapped her arms around her stomach as she struggled to catch her breath. Sharp inhale, sharper inhale, difficult inhale, small exhale; repeat. She drew her legs to her chest and buried her head into her knees. She fought back tears trying to gasp for air. She felt like she was drowning. Her lungs were burning and she was beginning to feel dizzy. She reached up to the sink to pull herself up. Struggling to breathe, she managed to get on her knees. With every ounce of energy she had left, she inhaled deep and let out a low scream. All the air left her body as she slumped to the floor. Lying on her back, the room started to darken as her eyes scanned the bathroom floor for her phone. The small, blue glow of the screen was like a beacon. A beacon of heartbreak; of despair. Sobbing uncontrollably, she reached for the phone and clutched it to her chest. The room began to close in on her. She turned to her side, drawing her legs back up to her chest. She closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A couple of hours later, her eyes slowly opened. Everything was blurry and her eyes burned. She looked up and began to focus on the light above her. She began to see the intricate lines and flowers etched in the fixture that covered the bulb. Blinking several times, her vision was restored. She peeled herself off the floor, dropping her phone. She looked down and the screen was black. She felt a sense of peace not seeing those words on her phone. She bent down and picked up her phone. Tapping the screen, she was jerked back into reality. Those words were forever burned in her mind. The words replayed like a giant marquee, flashing like a warning in her eyes. ‘THIS ISN’T GOING TO WORK OUT. I DON’T THINK I CAN DO THIS. I’M SORRY. IT’S OVER.”

‘How could it just end like this?’ she thought. She never saw it coming. Questions began filling up her mind while she desperately grasped for answers that she knew were wrong. She sat down on her bed and stared at the bedroom door. She wanted to call him; she deserved an explanation. However, she knew he probably wouldn’t pick up the phone. She stared at his number and her heart started to race again. She refused to have another anxiety attack. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Again and again. A jolt made her drop the phone. It bounced under the bed. She knelt down and reached under the bed and grabbed her phone. It was vibrating. She flipped the phone over and it was ringing. It was him! She contemplated on whether or not she should answer it. Fighting back tears, she pressed answer and slowly lifted the phone to her ear. “Hello?” she choked out. She could hear hitched breathing on the other side. A broken voice melted into her ear, “Thank God you answered. Oh God, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I panicked. Please tell me I’m not too late!” His voice begging. Her ears began to ring. She swallowed and said, “We need to talk first. Can I come over?” Before she could finish the question, he blurted out an excited, “YES!” She said she would be right there and hung up. Her mind was flooded with emotions that she couldn’t sort through. ‘Why did he end it to begin with?’ ‘Was it something I did?’ ‘Or something I said?’ She shook her head, throwing the questions out of her brain. She grabbed her keys and walked out the door.

Driving down the main road, she headed towards his house. Her mind was filling up with more and more questions. Her heart began to race and her hands began to shake. She felt her chest tightening up. She gripped the steering wheel, closed her eyes for a second and took in a deep breath. She felt her heartbeat regulate and she shook her hands to release some of the tremble. Her eyes began to fill with tears as she fought off another anxiety attack. She drew in another breath and exhaled. She wiped her eyes as she drove through an intersection. She heard a loud horn blaring right by her. Her head turned to the left and she saw two big, bright headlights. She gasped…

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