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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall

Uninvited Guest

Eric was a businessman. He worked all day and all night. He never married or had children. He saw them as an interference in his climb to the top of the corporate ladder. He was selfish and only did deeds that benefitted himself. To Eric, he had it all; penthouse apartment, fancy cars, good looks, and most of all, money. It wasn’t enough for him to stop. Eric never wanted to stop; he wanted to conquer it all. Eric was in a meeting and felt a small twinge of pain in his stomach. He dismissed it as a muscle cramp from working out at the gym that morning. He had just finished a meeting when his assistant told him he had a visitor waiting for him in his office. Eric walked through the door and saw an old man looking out the window. He had an old pocket watch in his left hand and his right hand slipped in his vest. “Can I help you?” Eric sat down at his desk. The old man turned around and his face was expressionless. “Hello Eric. You may not know me but I know all about you.” The old man looked at his watch and proceeded to sit down across from Eric. Eric leaned back in his chair and asked, “How do you know me, old timer? I don’t associate with the homeless.” The old man sat up straight and answered, “Let’s just say I’m an old friend of the family. I’ve been around for quite some time. Now, I’m here to pay you a permanent visit.” The old man smirked. Eric was confused. “I’ve never heard my family talk about a dirty old man. You must be mistaken. Allow me to show you the door.” Eric was about to stand up when he felt a pain shoot through his stomach. He plopped back down onto his chair. The old man leaned over the desk and replied, “I see my visit has made itself known.” The old man waved his hand and Eric felt another sharp pain in his side. He winced. “What do you want from me? couldn’t believe his ears. He regained some strength and managed to choke out, “I don’t understand this. Who are you?” The old man leaned back in his chair with a dark grin on his face and answered, “You might want to give me and answer soon. I’m not one to wait for anything. I will tell you, however, my name is… Cancer.”

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