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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall

Memories: Part Ten

It's dark and yet, everything has a pink-orange tint. I can't make out what anything is. Everything is blurry but I can see a door. Above it is a big red flashing 'EXIT' sign. I try to walk towards the door but I feel like my feet are sinking into the ground. The more I try to walk towards the door, the more I sink. I stretch my arm out and grab the doorknob. Before I could turn the knob, I blinked. I was back in the hospital bed. I can hear the beeping of machines and the low murmurs of the doctors speaking to my mother and Derek. I blink again and Derek rushes to my bedside. "Doc! She's awake! Oh God, she's awake!" He kissed my hand over and over. My mother ran to the other side of the bed and placed her hand on my head. "Welcome back, sweetheart. You had us worried there for a moment." My mother kissed my forehead. Dr. Byers walked to the edge of the bed. “Try not to move, Kate. You have a tube down your throat that is breathing for you. We didn’t remove the tube as precaution. Let’s get that tube out.” A nurse walked over to me and smiled. She pulled the tape off from the sides of my mouth and suctioned the inside of my mouth. She looked at me and said, “Now Kate, when I pull this tube out, I want you to give me a big cough. Are you ready?” I nodded at her. “One. Two. Three.” She pulled the tube the same time I coughed and it came out very smooth. Dr. Byers walked over to me and asked, “How are you feeling, Kate?” I swallowed but my throat was dry. Derek handed me a cup of water. I took a sip and said, “I feel tired. A little pain but I feel good.” Dr. Byers smiled and replied, “That’s good, my dear. As you can tell, the surgery was a success. You did give us a scare for a moment.” I looked at my mother looking for clues. She stroked my hair and said, “When the doctors put you on bypass to put the donor heart in, you flatlined. You were technically dead for one minute and seven seconds. They were able to bring you back shortly after.” I looked at the doctor and he nodded in agreement. “She’s right, Kate. However, you were a rockstar. You are going to be just fine.” I couldn’t believe it. I was dead? Was that the exit sign? I shuddered at the thought. If death was that door with the exit sign; why was I trying to run towards it? I had a hard time getting to the door though. Like something was holding me back from leaving. Derek? My son? I didn’t know but I’m so glad I didn’t open that door. My mother left to pick up my son and everyone else had cleared the room. Once again, Derek and I were in our tiny love bubble. He grabbed my hand with both of his, leaned over next to me and kissed my hand again. I let out a laugh. Derek looked up puzzled. “I told you I wasn’t going anywhere. I was going to fight back and I did.” Derek nodded his head and smiled. “I’m never letting you go again.” He stood up and laid on the bed, letting my head rest on his arm. I looked down at the white gauze that covered my incision. Underneath that was someone else’s heart. It kept someone alive for twenty-two years and now, this beautiful heart will keep me alive. I started thinking about the donors family and what they must be going through. I couldn’t imagine my family having to go through that. Although, one thing was for sure; if something were to happen to me, I would want to be a donor. My betraying heart couldn’t hurt me anymore. That heart will not run my life anymore. I am finally free. A smile spread across my face. Derek looked at me and grinned. “What are you thinking about?” I closed my eyes and looked at my battle wound. “I am free, Derek. My second chance in right here in my chest.” Derek kissed my cheek. A tiny knock at the door made me sit up. My mother opened the door and smiled. She stepped to the side and standing there holding a heart shaped balloon was my son. He didn’t run to me this time. He calmly walked to me. He handed me the balloon and gently climbed onto the bed. He looked at the white bandage on my chest and whispered in my ear. “Mommy? Did you get your special heart?” He pulled back and looked at me with confusion. I kissed his nose and replied, “Yes, my baby. Mommy got her brand new heart and mommy is going to be with you forever and ever.” His eyes became wide and a large smile spread across his, showing a missing tooth. I couldn’t believe that I got my new heart, my family and Derek. I won. I kicked my old heart’s butt. My son got up on the bed and started jumping up and down shouting, “My mommy got a new heart!” He chanted this over and over. My mother looked at me and shrugged her shoulder. We laughed. I changed my glance towards Derek’s direction. He leaned forward, and without missing a beat; he kissed me. I smiled mid kiss but he kept kissing me back. He looked at me and said, “You rock, Kate.” I looked around the room at my son, my mother and Derek and smiled contently. “These are the memories I want to cherish forever. Memories of love, pain, happiness, and sadness. Memories of support; of long talks. Memories of having deep conversations with strangers. Memories I make that I can hold close to my heart. Memories that remind me of how much I love you all.” *The Twisted Short Story: Memories was actually a DREAM I had a little over two weeks ago that continued for three days in a row. I couldn’t forget it so I started writing it and everything came flooding back. It was the most vivid dream I had ever experienced. I hope you all enjoyed this not-so short story! Thank you all so much for tuning in!* -K

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