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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall

The Call

Sarah worked feverishly trying to collect the money. She couldn’t borrow the money. She had no one. Her phone rang again. “I’m trying my best to get the money together.” The deep, brooding voice bellowed into the receiver. “You are running out time, Sarah. I can’t wait any longer.” Panic reached Sarah’s stomach. “I’m doing the best I can. Please I need more time.” She nervously bit her nails. “You have two hours.” He hung up. Sarah wiped the tears from her eyes and went back to work. Cleaning table after table collecting every tip she could. Her boss came around the counter as Sarah was emptying glasses. “You were late to work this morning. I’m gonna have to dock your pay.” Sarah pleaded, “Please Gary. I need the money. Can I just work overtime next week?” Gary looked at his watch and sighed. “Fine Sarah, but you’re gonna have to work through your breaks to make up for your tardiness.” “Thank you, Gary.” Sarah walked to the back and started counting her tips. She was still $400 short. She looked at the clock. One and a half more hours. How was she going to make up that much money in that amount of time? Sarah greeted the customers as they came into the small four star restaurant and took their orders. Tip after tip she worked harder than she ever had before. The phone rang again. “One hour left Sarah. If you don’t have my money by then, I’ll have to cut him.” Sarah begged, “Please Mr. Davidson. I’m working on it. Just give me time.” The line went dead. Sarah dropped her phone in a wave of panic. She picked it up and threw it in her apron and continued. The phone rang once again. “You have thirty minutes, Sarah. I’m not sure he can hang on much longer. I’m going to have to put him out.” Mr. Davidson hung up before Sarah could speak. She had one more table to clear out. They were taking their time. They had finished eating and were just sitting there. Maybe if she started to clear the table and deliver the check they may try to leave already. SUCCESS! It worked. They cleared out and Sarah cleaned the table. She grabbed the tip and ran to the back. She pulled out all of her money and started to count. She did it! She had enough money! Sarah looked at the clock and noticed she still had ten minutes of her shift. She walked over to Gary and pleaded to let her leave early. He looked at her and looked at his watch. “If I let you leave now, you’re coming in early tomorrow.” “YES! I WILL! I’ll be here on time, Gary. I promise!” He nodded. She thanked him, clocked out and bolted out the door. Sh e jumped in her car and started to drive. Her phone rang. “You have five minutes to get here. You’re leaving me no choice but I may have to cut him.” “I’m almost there Mr. Davidson. I’ll be there!” Then her phone died. She shrieked in a panic. She pulled into the park entrance and drove around the play area. She jumped out and ran to the field. Mr. Davidson was there waiting with her son. “Here Mr. Davidson. I have the money!” Mr. Davidson looked down at her son and said, “See kid? You’re mother made it just in time to pay for your baseball lessons.”

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