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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall

New Life

Casey weighed her options. Can I do this? Am I able to do this? What if something happens? Can I afford the consequences? Do I have the money to handle something like this? What if something goes wrong? What if it doesn’t? What if I’m finally happy? Do I have enough space in my heart for this? Will I be good at it? Casey stared at the paperwork in her hands as she tapped the black pen on the desk. She thought about how much this would change her life. What would her parents think? She had been so unhappy for the longest time. She watched the days pass her by until it hit her. THIS could make her happy. THIS could change her life. However, how much of it would change her life? How many friends would she lose; or gain? How would she stand in the community with her decision? Would she be judged or praised? Casey’s mind was reeling with all the pros and cons. She knew in her heart this was something she would have to come to terms with given her history. After what seemed like hours of pen tapping and knee shaking, she signed the papers. A wave of relief and anxiety came over her. Then something dropped on the paper. She placed her hand on her cheek and realized she was crying. Tears of joy? Fear? Panic? No. It was tears of absolute happiness. Casey made the right choice. Two weeks went by. They were the most grueling two weeks of her life. Then the phone rang. Casey hesitated for a moment. She didn’t want to seem overly desperate. They might get the wrong idea. She picked up the receiver. “Hello?” There was a pause. Then a sweet voice replied, “Hi Casey Chapman. This is Darcy with Crestford. I have someone you would like to meet.” Casey jumped for joy. THIS IS IT!!! The moment she had been waiting for. “I’ll be right there!” She grabbed her keys and bolted out the door. Crestford was 3 hours away which gave Casey plenty of time to think of what to say. She was happy, excited, nervous all rolled into one. She pulled into the long cobblestone driveway that lead to Crestford. She parked her car and walked up to the double doors where Darcy was waiting for her. “Good afternoon, Ms. Chapman. Please, follow me.” Darcy had a sweet smile that matched her voice. Casey followed Darcy down a sunlit hallway and turned down the corridor to the right. Darcy opened the door which lead to the back of the property. “Go ahead.” Casey walked out the door and saw a garden. The most beautiful flowers she’d have ever seen. Flowers bending to the wind. Some basking in the sun. Then just next to a bush, a little girl with strawberry hair and soft brown eyes approached Casey. She was five years old. She stood there and stared at Casey with a big smile on her face. She was missing her two front teeth. Adorable. Casey kneeled down to the little girls eye level. Before Casey could speak, the little girl said, “Hi! My name is Rose. Are you my new mommy?”

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