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  • Twisted Shorts Series


Christine Chambers spent the majority of high school as an

outcast. She didn’t have any friends except for her best friend, Andrew Parker. Andrew looked out for Christine like a little sister even though they were just months apart in age. Christine went to school one day and noticed everyone acting strange. She was used to being ignored; no one speaking to her. However, today was different. People wouldn’t even look her way. They acted like she wasn’t even there; even the teachers didn’t seem bothered by her attendance in class. The lunch bell rang and she proceeded to the cafeteria where she gets to sit with Andrew. She wasn’t hungry that day so she just sat down at her regular table waiting for Andrew but he never showed. This wasn’t like Andrew to just not come to school without calling her. Christine felt like something was wrong. She had enough; she was cutting school and going home. She left the cafeteria and walked to her locker. She turned the dial but it wouldn’t open. With frustration in her mind, she slammed her fists on the locker. A student jumped, dropping her books all over the place. She looked back and forth then at Christine. She gathered her books and ran off. Christine was crying by this point. She left the school, sneaking out the door by the band hall, that way no one could see her. Not that anyone cared anyway. She knew of a shortcut that would get her home faster. The sooner, the better. She cut into the woods that lead to a clearing and beyond that was the town’s cemetery. When she got to the cemetery, she saw someone sitting against a headstone. As she got closer, she saw that it was Andrew. He was hunched over and asleep. Christine called to him but he didn’t move. She tried to shake him and yet again, nothing. Christine let out a blood curdling scream in despair that her best friend was dead. She fell over and began sobbing. In one quick motion, Andrew shot straight up. He looked like he had awoken from a deep sleep. Christine couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t dead! She was about to say something when she heard a girl call out to Andrew. Christine turned around and saw the same girl from the hallway that dropped her books. She walked up to Andrew and hugged him. “You weren’t in school today. Is everything alright?” The girl grabbed Andrew’s hand. He looked up at the girl and replied, “Yeah, today is just harder than others.” They looked over to where Christine was standing. Christine turned around at the head stone. She fell to the ground and

said, “Here lies Christine Chambers. Beloved daughter and best friend. Born May 17, 1985- Died May 16, 2001.” She looked up in horror at Andrew. He had tears in his eyes. He looked at the flowers on the head stone and said, “I miss you Christine and I wish you were here. I know you will be looking down on me when I graduate next week.”

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