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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall

Two of A Kind

I hate my twin. She has to do everything I do. She has to match me on every aspect in our life. Our clothes, hair, makeup and our shoes. She mimics my laugh, my cries, and my smile. I try my best to avoid her. I usually see her in the morning, at school, the coffee shop in town, at the gym and before we go to bed. I just can’t get away from her. She drives me crazy with her little smirk she gives me. She taunts me with her beauty. Her porcelain skin and flawless complexion. She’s so perfect. All the boys notice her and I can’t even get a glance. Our parents are constantly praising her for her achievements in sports and gymnastics. Recently, I have been trying to figure out how to get her to stop copying me. All I need is her attention and a nice, long, sharp blade. I’ll wait until we get ready for bed. Our parents are going out of town for a work conference. I’ll have Beth all to myself. It’s now almost midnight. Beth finally walked through the door from her date with some random college guy. I’m in the bathroom preparing myself for the revelation that’s about to happen. Beth walks into the room. She’s crying. Here we go again. She’s going to need sympathy and assurance. Once again, she’ll need me to vent to. No. Not this time. Where is the gratitude for everything I have done? Doesn’t seem to exist. She’s coming into the bathroom. I stand there at the sink as she opens the door. She walks up to me and starts crying. Every tear that falls from her face, angers me even more. I yell at her to suck it up but she doesn’t even hear me. The more I yell, the more she cries. I’ve had enough. I slowly pull the knife from behind my back. I raise it over my head. Beth looks up and just as I bring the knife down, full force, she screams. Her hands are in the air with her fists balled up, they come crashing down the same time I drive the blade down. The sound of breaking glass fills the room. I look up from the floor confused as to how I go here. Beth’s arms are bleeding. I glance at my knife and its clean. Beth lets out a sigh of relief and pulls out her phone. At this point I am yelling for her to look at me. She’s ignoring me! I hear a faint “hello” on Beth’s phone. “Frannie, it’s Beth. I had an accident and I need your help or my parents will kill me.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. What about me? I’m the one lying on the ground! Beth looks at me, pauses and says, “Do you know where I can find a mirror at this time of night?”

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