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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall


Updated: Aug 5, 2019

I hid in the storage locker inside the warehouse. I tried to calm my breathing. I could hear my heart in my ears. I thought my lungs were going to explode. I listened for footsteps. Was that it? Yes. Footsteps. I peeked through the slats in the locker as I watched the mysterious figure come into sight. The soft glow from the overhead light gave off an orange cast of light on everything. The footsteps got closer and my heart beat faster. Was it fear or the rush of adrenaline? The figure finally came into sight. It was a girl. She had brown hair and green eyes. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were filthy and tattered. She was visibly shaken and terrified. She continued looking behind her and ahead of her. Tears constantly streaming down her face. Part of me wanted to help her. Part of me wanted to bust out and run away. I couldn’t move. “GO!” The voice made me jump which made the locker shake. The girl shrieked and took off running. I bolted out of the locker yelling after her to stop. She just screamed even more. Why won’t she stop? I want to help her. I pushed even harder and finally caught up to her. I grabbed her shoulder. She swung around and hit me over the head with a pipe she had in her hand. I hit the floor; hard. I was out. When I came to, everything was fuzzy. “Wake up, Harry!” I sat up in an instant. Where is that voice coming from? When I was able to compose myself, I stood up. I followed the footsteps down the long corridor of the warehouse. Pipes running up and down the hallway. I know this place. If that girl went down here, this direction is a dead end. I need to help her. I ran for which seemed like forever. I got to a big metal door that said “Employees Only”. I pushed the door open and walked in. It was a control room with computers and monitors. Then I heard a hitched inhale. My eyes darted to the desk. The girl was crouched under the desk with the pipe in a death grip. “GRAB HER!” I jumped which made the girl scream. I walked over to her and pulled her from under the desk. She swung the pipe at my head but i caught it just in time. I tossed it aside. The girl yanked out of my grip and collapsed to the floor. I stood there and looked at the girl. I wanted to reach out and help her. To get her away from here. Something was holding me back. I became so angry that she wouldn’t listen. She wasn’t understanding why I was there. She looked up with absolute terror in her eyes and screamed out, “Why are you doing this, Harry?!” I was taken aback. I felt a wave of panic wash over me as my eyes rolled to the back of my skull. I cocked my head to the side making my neck crack. I looked down at this helpless girl. She was clearly terrified. I straightened my posture up and peered down at her. In that moment, all the color drained from her face. She was pale as a ghost. I couldn’t help but chuckle. I glanced down and noticed a kitchen knife in my hand. I looked back to the girl and said, “I’m sorry darling but I’m not Harry. He’s gone away now. My name is Martin and I don’t blame you for the confusion. We all might be trapped in the same body but mind you; we are all different.”

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