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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Muzzall

Instant Regret

John walked through the neighborhood trying to find that one house. The one that had it all. Money, jewelry and most of all; occupants out for the evening. It was Halloween so everyone was out and about. He came upon a two story classic victorian style house. The lights were off and there weren’t any cars in sight. This gave him a feeling of complete happiness. He found it. THE house of all houses. It was the largest house on the block let alone, the entire neighborhood. He snuck around to the back of the house. He took his crowbar and cracked the back door open. It was dark in the house except for the soft glow of the stove light. John walked past the kitchen towards the hallway. He saw photos of children. An entire lifetime of a family plastered all over the walls. He continued up the stairs. More photos staring right back at him. He walked down the hallway to the double doors. This must be the master bedroom. He turned the doorknob and walked in. He can hear the distant screams and laughter of children running door to door. He looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was getting late. John needed to hurry before he was caught. He frantically searched through the dressers and jewelry boxes grabbing diamonds, rubies, and whatever gold he could get his greedy hands on. He went inside the closet and found a wooden box on the top shelf. He opened the box to find a stack of cash. John began walking backwards in complete awe that someone would just l eave cash lying around. He hit the motherload. He took another step back when he felt a poke in the middle of his back. He spun around to find himself staring down the barrel of a shotgun. The neighbors heard the break-in and called the owner. He snuck in through the front door and sneaked his way up the stairs. John dropped the box. It hit the ground with a thud. He put his hands out in front of him; pleading. The owner wouldn’t hear any of it. The owner placed his finger over the trigger and said, “This is not your house. It is mine; and you are trespassing. Welcome to Texas.”

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