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  • Twisted Shorts Series

Date Night

Laura changed clothes about ten times before deciding on a little black dress. She included black stockings and black heels that had red underneath. She admired herself in the mirror as she finished getting ready. She had a

date with a guy she met at a coffee shop the day before. His name was Adam. Adam was tall and handsome. Laura was running late to work that morning. She spun around in a flash and spilled her coffee all over Adam. They laughed it off and next thing you know, he asked for her phone number. Later that day, Adam call Laura and asked her out to dinner. She agreed. It had been a few months since Laura went on a date. She couldn’t contain herself. She heard the front door buzz. She doubled checked in the mirror one last time, grabbed her purse and walked out the door. She greeted Adam at the entrance of her apartment building. He was wearing a black suit and tie. Even though he said she was breathtaking, Laura felt the same about Adam. They hailed a taxi and went to dinner. Everything was perfect. The food, wine, music and the chemistry. They talked about their jobs and what they wanted in life. After dessert, Adam asked if Laura wanted to go back to his place. She never went to another date’s place before but she didn’t want to pass up a good thing. After all, things were going smoothly. They grabbed a taxi and headed to Adam’s place. They pulled up to a very impressive condo. The door greeter kept his head down and opened the door. They walked to the elevator and Adam pressed the top floor button. Laura was liking this more and more. They finally reached the top and the doors slid open to reveal the most beautiful condo Laura had ever seen. The condo looked like it was plucked from a magazine. Adam told Laura to make herself at home. She walked to the bar and sat down. Adam poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Laura. They toasted and drank. They were deep in conversation when Adam’s phone rang. Before he answered, Laura asked where the bathroom was. He pointed her in the direction and walked to the living room to take his phone call. Laura walked down the hallway, passing door after door and then the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, smiled and reapplied lipstick. She left the bathroom and started heading back to the bar. She could still hear Adam on the phone. At the beginning of the hallway she saw a door

that had a lock from the outside. Curiosity got the best of her. She turned the lock and opened the door. Laura froze in her steps. The entire room was covered in plastic and in the center of the room was a table with surgical instruments. There was a drape covering half of the room. She walked over to peek behind the curtain. Lining the back wall of the room were three large deep freezers. She walked over to the first one and opened it. Inside the first freezer were severed heads. Laura gasped and closed the lid. She ran out of the room and went back to the bar. She sat there contemplating what to do. Adam finished his call and walked back to the bar. He apologized for the call and picked up his glass of wine. He finished it off and poured himself another glass. Laura sat there staring at Adam. He smiled at her. “Laura, I feel like tonight is going to be an interesting night. Are you up for some fun?” Laura slid her wine glass to the side. “I agree Adam. Tonight is going to one you won’t soon forget.” Adam began feeling dizzy. He started to slump down into his chair. He dropped his glass. “I don’t feel so good.” He looked up at Laura and she was grinning.”What did you do to me?” Laura stood up and walked over to Adam. She grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanking his head back to meet her eyes. “You know, you really shouldn’t leave your drink unattended. You never know what might happen to it.” She slammed his head down onto the bar and he fell back. Adam’s eyes began rolling. He was started to lose consciousness. “I’m going to kill you. Just you wait.” Laura laughed and replied, “If you hadn’t asked me to your place, I was going to bring you to mine. Although, your ‘torture’ room is much nicer than mine. I can do what I want here and not have to clean up the mess. It’s perfect.” Adam dropped off the bar and fell to the floor. He looked up at Laura. She kneeled down over

him with a syringe that had a yellowish liquid in it. Adam struggled but Laura was able to inject him in his leg. He was on the brink of passing out when Laura stood up and said, “You know, I haven't killed someone is a few months. I wonder if I remember how. Like my mother said, it’s just like riding a bike, you don’t forget.”

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